When in Doubt, Niche it Out

When people see a post from Margo mid-scroll, I want them to stop and think, “That’s an intelligent, driven young woman who values other cultures and human experiences.”

Margaret Potts
3 min readJan 29, 2019

I would like to be branded as someone who enjoys traveling, going to fun events, and also someone who stays up to date on politics and recent events. There are so many influencers and travel bloggers in the world that in order for me to stand out, I’ll have to focus on my niche. I think that bringing in my political awareness and unfiltered opinions on social issues can help me come into my brand. Not only will I post my travel photos and life updates, but I’ll also keep it real with my followers and let them know about injustices in the world. Because unfortunately, life’s not all trips to Bali and rainbows.

I’m going to have fun with social media but remain socially conscious…and stuff.

I want to brand myself as a conscious young woman first and foremost. As I travel to different states and countries I want to showcase the good, bad and the ugly all through insightful captions and photos. In focusing on my niche I hope to be branded as an honest and empathetic person who just happens to love to travel.

That being said I also don’t want my social media brand to be too serious. I enjoy re-posting things that make me laugh in hopes that my followers will get a kick out of it too. I’m always staying up to date on social trends and viral phenomenon, and I’ll incorporate this into my brand to stay relevant.

Stay trendy my friends.

In order to achieve my desired brand as a socially conscious traveler and lifestyle influencer, there are two main things I need to do in order to succeed. Firstly, we all know the saying consistency is key so I’ll have to be really consistent across all of my social media platforms. I plan to spruce up each of my profiles and have the same bio, profile picture, and handle amongst them. This will not only assist my followers in finding me, but it will also make my brand more professional. Next, I already mentioned focusing on my niche, but this is especially important to me. Having that political awareness will allow me to find my unique place as an influencer and travel blogger. Stay tuned as I master the next steps to establishing my brand (hopefully?).

Feel free to smash that follow button on your way out.



Margaret Potts

Blogging my way through life Brooklyn, NY. Minneapolis, MN.